The Postmodern Dyslexicon

A (self-conscious) new compendium of haughty neologisms and catchphrases that illustrate the postmodern condition. It is sarcastic and meant to be a mockery of itself, hipness, and ridiculously postmodern people, so don't get your panties in a wad, boys and girls.

Monday, July 24, 2006

supermodel mom

noun. social type. supermodel (or super-actress) turned mom. a current media obsession. though coverage of the phenomenon claims to be affirming of motherhood more generally, in reality it raises the bar for mothers everywhere. also, journalism devoted to supermodel moms often has a moralistic tone, a la "she quit drugs, settled down, had babies! yay!" Just see this article about a supermodel who gave up her career AND drugs to take care of her kids. She wakes up at 4 to take care of her puppy and prepare breakfast for her twin boys... is that really necesssary?


At 8:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a friend tell me that Brad and Katie's baby is really a fraud. The friend claims Katie's belly changed positions over time and that there still isn't a picture of the baby. Could this be? Sorry, random rant. -Beth


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